But thanks to my connections from my former internship with the UW Media Relations Office and the fabulous Kristen, who is currently an intern there, I was able to get in without waiting in line at all. And not into the stands, but into the media area, complete with my own press pass. It's moments like these that remind a girl why she got into journalism: for the awesome hook-ups and free food!
There is no word to describe the experience other than “thrilling.” It was so exciting to know that I was seated a mere 50 feet away from the man who might (I hope) be the next president. Going to a political rally seems like such a seminal college experience, I’m so glad that I got to participate in something like that. And although Obama didn’t say anything I hadn’t heard before from him, he is an amazing orator and I felt very inspired.
Here are some more pictures I took last night:
There was a ton of national media there. It was weird seeing people from places like NBC, CNN and AP in little, ol' Laramie.
Kristen and me in the press box. Note the unwashed masses above us.
There were about 5,000 people there. Not as many as I expected, but it was still a big crowd. Especially for Republican Wyoming.
Yes, that is Ok Go! They were standing about 5 feet in front of me, but I was too chicken to ask for a picture. They are crazy for Obama!
One of Kristen's photos. She got really close! Check out her blog for her take on the event. She touched his hand, folks!
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