Let me start by saying that the building where I work is awesome. The whole ceiling is a skylight, there is a water fixture with a waterfall in the lobby, and it has a very open-air layout.


I think my next task for making my desk more beautiful will be changing my bulletin board. It's still decorated from freshman year of college when my dorm room theme was black and white Paris. I want to get some pretty Asian-print fabric to cover it with. I would also like to get something to cover the walls of the cubicle with. That blue is not a great color.
So there it is! Hopefully my lucky bamboo and little resin Buddha will bring me luck in my new job. By the way, I took all these pictures on my Crackberry. Not a bad little camera on there!
UPDATE: On Saturday, I went to a fabric store and picked out some cloth to cover my bulletin board with. But I can't decide between the green and the brown! I'll bring my bulletin board home on Monday and see which looks better.

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