Well, I went to the University of Michigan looking for new blood for DISH Network. I'd recommend staying away from Ann Arbor during January.

I got my world rocked by The Killers.

Oh yeah....I got a tat! What can I say, sometimes you have to drive up to Wyoming on a Saturday afternoon and get a tattoo with your sister. (Despite how sick I look in that picture, I neither cried nor barfed, thank you very much.)

But I haven't been completely neglecting my apartment. I got a really cool print for Christmas and I finally worked up the courage to hang it on my wall! Yes, nail met plaster.
Plus, my friend Kristen moved to Washington, D.C. a few weeks ago. She's currently staying with my dad but she hopes to find a place of her own soon, so I can't wait to showcase her new fabulous apartment!
More to come later....